
a message from Jolie:

I’ve been writing songs for years now but I never imagined they would reach such an encouraging and receptive audience. Thanks to amazing people like you my dreams of performing and recording original music are coming to life.

In October, I hosted a short crowd-funding campaign as an opportunity for people like you to contribute to my EP of original music, “I Can Only Be Me.” The support I received was incredible and I couldn’t be more grateful for your generosity.

I am leaving this support page up for anyone who wants to know how they can help. Anything I make from the donation button at the top of this page is put directly into supporting my craft and making more music. If that’s not for you, purchasing albums and merchandise, streaming my songs, sharing on social media, coming to shows, and just spreading the word are all meaningful ways to help me that are so appreciated.

I am constantly blown away by the support I see from people like you each and every day. Thank you for seeing something in me that is worth believing in and thank you for supporting my music.

I look forward to the road ahead of us because with supporters like you anything is possible.
